Attorney´s Escrow

Our law firm has been providing professional escrow of funds and documents for a long time, with successful transactions totalling more than CZK 1 billion.

Within the scope of our attorney escrow services, we provide our clients with:

Contact us

Why KODAP legal?

In addition to legal services, our cooperation with the KODAP Group enables us to provide tax, accounting and auditing services.

We set the highest standards of professionalism and guarantee the quality of our work. You will always communicate with an attorney with the appropriate experience and specialization.

Thanks to our large team, we are able to respond to your requests almost immediately. We always organize our work according to your needs.

We can translate the law into common language. You will understand our advice.

Se všemi jednáme vždy poctivě a férově. Hledáme to nejefektivnější řešení pro business a klienty nikdy neženeme do zbytečných sporů. Zakládáme si na dodržování etického kodexu advokátů.

We value your trust and pride ourselves on our strict adherence to attorney-client privilege and confidentiality. Your information is safe with us.

Years of experience
0 +
Satisfied clients
0 hod
Max. reaction time

We are part of the KODAP and ETL Global group

As part of the KODAP and ETL Global we can assist you not only with legal matters but also with tax advisory, accounting, payroll and auditing in most EU countries.